NFL Pro Pick’Em Pool


Starts September 8, 2022

*Click here to sign-up!

*Must sign up using Group ID and password below.


How to join: Click Pro Football Pick’em to get started! Select “Join Group” and enter the following group ID and password.

Group ID: 3966

Password: Football2022  (Note: The password is case sensitive.)


YES, check the box to share your email address.

DO NOT check the box to allow us to change your picks.


Participating in the Pool: The NFL Pro Pick’Em pool is open to all Santefort Neighborhoods residents (and their immediate family) as well as Santefort Neighborhoods employees (and their immediate family).



Without you, our annual pools would not be possible. Thanks for continuing to play and make our seasons successful. Best of luck this NFL season!


Weekly winners will receive $50

(site rent or rent credit to Santefort Neighborhoods residents)

Cash prizes for the top four at the end of the season!

First Place


Second Place


Third Place


Fourth Place



There are no weekly winners during the playoff season. The deadline to make your weekly picks is 5 minutes before each game. Cash prizes of $400, $300, $200, and $100 will be awarded to the regular season’s top four participants. For the playoffs, the top four playoff participants will receive cash prizes as large as $400.

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