Decluttering Your Home in the New Year

January 14th is Organize Your Home Day!

Do you often feel like you’re going a million miles a minute and you have no time to clean, organize, or even declutter your home? As you declutter around your home, ask yourself these questions about your items: Do I use it? Do I love it? Do I need it?

Schedule decluttering sessions that work for your schedule. Tackle areas of your home one at a time, such as:

Day 1: Organize your fridge, kitchen pantry and kitchen cabinets

Day 2: Complete your laundry, fold it, and then put it away where it belongs.

Day 3: Go through your closet. If you haven’t worn it in a year, it might be a good idea to remove it from your closet.

Here are some helpful tips to maintain the clutter as you go.

  • Clean the kitchen after every meal.
  • Fold blankets and put them away after using them.
  • Hang up your coats and scarves after walking through the door.
  • Go through papers on your counters and separate important items while getting rid of not-so-important items.

Did you start decluttering your home this year? What are some of your 2023 goals?

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