A Merry Tri-Star Christmas

It’s Christmas time here at Tri-Star Estates! We are excited to bring in the holiday season here at Tri-Star and plan on bringing the best of Christmases to our valued residents. We have free gift wrapping activities going on in the clubhouse starting on the 20th! If you are having Christmas or helping prepare for the big holidays, we know how stressful this time of year can be!  That’s why we want to help in any way we can by providing some free gift wrapping for our amazing residents. Please drop off your gifts at the clubhouse before the gift wrapping begins. We also have a Kids Christmas Party and and an Early New Years Celebration to highlight some of the big events this holiday season! More details can be found on our Tri-Star Facebook page. Please stop by the clubhouse to see our lovely Christmas tree and our wonderful Christmas decorations including Mr. Santa! We also want to say thank you to our awesome Tri-Star residents who decorated their homes this Christmas season! We are celebrating this most happy time of the year together and we hope that all you have a healthy and wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year!



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