Make the New Year Bright

The new year has arrived – and with it comes selecting a resolution (or several) to help make the coming year the best yet. Will you choose to improve your health through a new diet and exercise routine, or perhaps finally make a plan to get out of debt? According to YouGovAmerica, one in four Americans made resolutions for 2020, and about half of them kept some but not all of their resolutions, while just over one-third of respondents said they kept all of their resolutions.

Being successful with a specific resolution can take a little determination to help you stay on track. Here are some ways to help you meet your goals this year:

  • Be realistic. Make a goal that is obtainable and not so far out of reach. Unrealistic goals will likely set you up for failure.
  • Tell people about your goals. When you share your goals with friends and family, you can immediately gain their support. 
  • Plan ahead. Last minute resolutions typically fail, so prep and mentally prepare yourself with mini-sized goals instead.
  • Make a pros and cons list. Motivation is the key and making this list might help remind you why you began this journey. 
  • Reward yourself. Little things are worth celebrating! Do a little something special to treat yourself and keep it up.
  • Don’t give up. No matter what, do not throw in the proverbial towel! If you have a misstep, try again. Reach out to your support team or break down your goals into smaller ones to help achieve your ultimate resolution!
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