A Halloween Message from our Manufactured Home Community…Tri-Star Estates

From our Manufactured Home Community…Tri-Star Estates

Halloween is here.  Have you ever considered the advantages you have living in a manufactured home community in a pleasant area?????  Tri-Star Estates provides something a little unique in today’s age. It provides a nice place to raise kids with your own yard…a place to park…no dangerous traffic and lots of things for the kids to do.

When I grew up, I lived north of Pittsburgh in Mars, PA…yes that right… I am a man from Mars.  But it too was a friendly community of about 1500 people surrounded farms…dairy…corn…apple orchards but in the country where kids could play outside and had lots of things to do.

At Halloween especially, and like the rest of our year, we go outside…go to the balls fields…ride our bikes on the streets…run and play…and our parents were confident we were in a good place.

With Trick or Treat coming up shortly here…isn’t it nice to know our kids can “trick or treat” as we did as kids in a nice community setting.  That is not the case for many in a lot of areas around Chicago.  I have worked in communities where it was not so.  We are fortunate and blessed to allow ourselves and especially our kids to have this advantage.  I hope you take time to appreciate what we have here.

Here at Tri Star Estates…our kids can go out and play…ride their bikes or skate board…play at the parks…walk the streets to their friends’ homes…swim in the pool…play basketball in a friendly community environment.  We are close to everything…every store we can imagine…movie theaters…good schools…similar to my Mars as a youth.

We are approaching many holidays in the next few weeks.  Take advantage of the community center and activities…. appreciate your kids and their ability to live normal fun young lives.  There are many advantages to being here.  And…the staff work each day to continue to improve things for all of us.

And don’t forget we offer incentives to refer your friends and family to us…maybe you have someone that no longer feels comfortable where they are living or it’s becoming too expensive…have them visit us…this is a great place to live if you take advantage of what all is offered for you.  And if you send us someone we will provide a financial reward for residents and non-residents.  Call us at 815-932-0200 in the sales office if we can help with anything.

Happy Halloween And Trick Or Treat!halloween

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