Fall Season at Mansard Du Lac!

Hi my name is Kristy Harlow and I am the community manager for Mansard Du Lac. I have been working for Santefort Properties since April 2017. I love working with my residents and potential new residents. It’s such a joy to be able to give someone a home that they will raise their families in. Our community offers many benefits for my residents and their families. We have 4 community parties a year starting with the Easter Egg Hunt, Summer Bash Cook Out, upcoming Halloween costume party, and Christmas Party.

We also offer an after school program for the kids to be able to come and either do a study room, play games, other activities, and all kids get an after school snack.  We supply all our kids with their back to school supplies every year.  We also offer during the summer a summer feeding program for kids under the age of 18 and they will get a free lunch M-F. We love to give back to our community. This is a wonderful community to live in.

It has been such a great experience that my daughter Kylie Harlow has joined our team. She fills in for me when I am on vacation at my community.  My residents love to see that we are a mother/daughter duo. She is also an assistance for Whispering Sands Community and Williamsburg Manor. When we are not working we enjoy spending time camping and riding our horses. We are super excited for a great fall season in our Northwest IN communities!








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