Pay Your Rent Online and Build Your Credit!


Having a good credit score can mean:

• Better chance for approval for credit card and loan approvals

• Receive higher credit limits

• Reduced or waived security deposits

• Lower total interest rates

• Cheaper utility services

• Power to negotiate

• Easier to qualify for a home

How it Works:

• First, login to Tenant Web Access from the Payment tab on Once logged in, select “Credit Reporting” from the hamburger menu on the top right of the screen and select OPT-IN.

• Second, make your regularly monthly payments.

• As you continue to make regular payments through the portal, rent-related payment data is sent to credit bureaus (including TransUnion® and Experian™).

Online payments are processed by PayLease. For questions regarding credit reporting, please contact PayLease at (866) 729-5327 or visit PayLease only reports payments  made through the Tenant Web Access to the credit bureaus, so this feature can only benefit you! This is a FREE service and if you decide you no longer wish to participate, you may opt-out at any time.

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